Apply for Credit or Pay-as-you-Go And Enjoy a range of benefits
As a POCO Building Supplies Account Holder, you can enjoy a range of benefits. From competitive project pricing to every-day Contractor/Builder discounts that add value to your bottom line. Our useful accounting features can help you keep track of your orders and manage your budget.
We offer the flexibility of P-A-Y-G (Pay As You Go) Cash Accounts for those customers that want to keep track of their spending immediately. For Businesses and larger projects, we offer Credit with a Charge Account that offers attractive payment terms and benefits (terms & conditions apply).
There is no obligation to use your Cash Account and no hidden fees. Simply provide your information, tell us about your business or project and enjoy benefits such as discounts and access to your order history. You never know when you’re going to need to reference that paint colour you used 3 years ago, but when you do, we’ll have that info in your file.
With a Charge Account, you have the flexibility of making regular monthly payments within the agreed terms and conditions of our Credit Agreement. Access historical information from previous projects, keep your accounting organised by setting up multiple jobs and use authorized purchasers to keep your account secure. Enjoy all of these benefits along with heavily discounted products that add value to your Construction project.