stronger and more economical than Cedar ideal for decking, railing and structural deck components
Our range of Wolmanized® Outdoor® Treated Lumber combines the natural beauty of real wood with a next-generation preservative and a lifetime limited warranty against termites and fungal decay. Proven after a decade across four continents, Wolmanized® Pressure Treated wood is ideal for decking, railing and structural deck components, playgrounds, other backyard projects, and freshwater immersion applications. Wolmanized® wood can be painted or stained. It’s more economical than cedar or durable grades of redwood and plastic composites. And it’s made from a renewable resource that’s treated to last for decades, reducing demands on forests.
Species most commonly used in Pressure Treated wood manufacture are Hem/Fir (a mixture of Western Hemlock and Amabilis Fir), SPF (a mixture of White Spruce, Engelmann Spruce, Lodgepole Pine and Alpine Fir) and for some specialist applications – where lumber must be of a certain higher standard, Douglas Fir. Wolmanized® Residential Outdoor® utilises CA (Copper Azole) and ACZA treatment methods. CA Treated Lumber products are what we supply year round, whereas ACZA Treated Lumber is available by special order.
For a more contemporary look, our NEW ‘Eased Edge’ profile replaces previous ‘Radius Edge’ that was the industry standard for so many years. IN STOCK: 5/4×6 Treated Decking (net 1″ thick x 5.5″ wide) available in 8-16′ even lengths. get quote
Our #2&Better Dimensional Treated Lumber suitable for Deck Framing and Fencing. IN STOCK: 1×4, 2×2, 2×4, 2×6, 2×8, 2×10 and 2×12. Normal length availability (subject to size) 8-20′ even lengths
We never compromise quality which is why we only supply a #2&Better Grade suitable for a variety of applications. In stock: 4×4 S4S (3-9/16″), 4×4 RGH (4-1/8″), 6×6 RGH (6″) Special Order: 6×6 S4S (5.5″) get quote
We never compromise quality which is why we only supply a #2&Better Grade suitable for a variety structural and landscaping applications. IN STOCK: 4×6 RGH, 3×12 RGH, 6×6 RGH SPECIAL ORDER: 4×8, 6×6, 8×8 and other sizes available in both Full-sawn RGH and S4S
Treated Wood strips are used primarily on building envelopes to create space between the sheathing and exterior siding. IN STOCK: 3/8″, 1/2″ and 3/4″ thicknesses – and widths from 1.5″ – 2.5″ get quote
Treated Plywood can be used for a variety of applications. Our mills only Treat the best quality Plywoods, to ensure quality and performance. IN STOCK: 4×8 Sheets in 3/8″, 1/2″ and 3/4″ thicknesses.
Cut from #2 and Btr Pressure Treated 2×12 and edge sealed. Save time and money on your deck reno with these safe and string stringers. IN STOCK: All sizes from 2-Step to 15-Step
working with Treated Wood
Our range of Wolmanized® Outdoor® Treated Lumber combines the natural beauty of real wood with a next-generation preservative and a lifetime limited warranty against termites and fungal decay. Proven after a decade across four continents, Wolmanized® Pressure Treated wood is ideal for decking, railing and structural deck components, playgrounds, other backyard projects, and freshwater immersion applications. Wolmanized® wood can be painted or stained. It’s more economical than cedar or durable grades of redwood and plastic composites. And it’s made from a renewable resource that’s treated to last for decades, reducing demands on forests.
Maintenance Tips
No maintenance is needed to renew resistance to fungi and termites. Wolmanized® wood has a lifetime limited warranty against these organisms. To help protect your project against moisture damage, apply an effective brand of water repellent as soon as your project is finished or, for large projects, as sections are completed. Water repellent should be re-applied every year or two. To revitalize a dingy appearance caused by dirt, mildew and mould, use a deck brightener to clean the wood.
Recommended Hardware
Treated Lumber contain high levels of Copper and are therefore extremely corrosive to bare metal. As well as a good pair of work gloves and safety glasses, we recommend using Simpson Strong-Tie Zemax Connectors, Hot Dipped Galvanized Brackets, ACQ (or equivalent) Coated Screws or Stainless Steel fasteners in all treated wood products, so that your fasteners last as long as the wood itself.
Our Wolmanized® Treated Lumber has been preserved by pressure-treatment with a PMRA registered pesticides, copper azole (CA), to protect it from termite attack and fungal decay. Wood treated with any preservative should be used only where such protection is important. In the treating process, copper azole penetrates into the wood where it remains for a long time. However, some chemical may migrate from the preserved wood into surrounding soil over time and may also be dislodged from the wood surface upon contact with skin. Exposure to copper azole may present certain hazards. Therefore, the following precautions should be taken both when handling the preserved wood and in determining where to use and dispose of it. Many of these precautions also apply to untreated wood and other building materials.
Use Site Precautions
- All sawdust and construction debris should be cleaned up and disposed of after construction.
- Do not use treated wood under circumstances where the preservative may become a component of food or animal feed.
- Only treated wood that is visibly clean and free of surface residue should be used where contact is likely.
- Do not use treated wood for construction of those portions of beehives which may come into contact with honey.
- Treated wood should not be used where it may come into direct or indirect contact with drinking water.
Handling Precautions
- Dispose of treated wood by ordinary trash collection. TREATED WOOD SHOULD NOT BE BURNED.
- Avoid frequent or prolonged inhalation of sawdust from wood, treated or untreated.
- When sawing, sanding, and machining wood, wear a dust mask. Whenever possible, these operations should be performed outdoors.
- When power-sawing and machining, wear goggles to protect eyes from flying particles.
- Wear gloves when working with wood. Use proper techniques when lifting.
- After working with wood, and before eating, drinking, toileting, or using tobacco products, wash exposed skin areas thoroughly.
- Because preservatives absorb into fabrics, clothing should be laundered before reuse.
- Wash work clothes separately from other household clothing.
PRO TIP Any time you make a cut in Treated Lumber, you are exposing the un-treated core of the wood which does not get saturated with preservatives during the treatment process. This voids your warranty as it exposes the ends of the lumber to moisture ingress and rot. With a modest investment of only $18.99 CAD + tax per 936ml, sealing these ends with an approved End-Cut-Sealer such as Cut-N-Seal prevents compromising both the warranty and the structural integrity of the wood.