If you currently have a secondary student working for you who are learning your trade, he/she can be registered as a Secondary School Apprentice. “Secondary School Apprenticeship” or “SSA” is high school credits for apprenticeship hours registered with the Industry Training Authority. Qualifying students may also be eligible for a scholarship of $1,000 – which does not need to go towards future trades training. The more students who qualify, the more scholarships that are given.
Looking to Hire?
Did you know that some high school students have already completed their Foundations technical training? It is the same post-secondary curriculum and exam as an adult would take in Foundations/Level 1 technical training, for the same credential. Tuition-free. It is not “watered down” to a high school level.
All BC school districts offer Secondary School Apprenticeship (SSA), and different Lower Mainland districts offer different level 1/Foundations technical training (ACE-IT) programs.
SD43 Trades Training Programs (PDF)
If you have any questions, please contact:
Brett McLean
Cell: 604.312.7739
Coquitlam Trades Programs:
This message is published on behalf of School District 43 – 550 Poirier Street, Coquitlam, British Columbia V3J 6A7 • Phone (604) 939-9201 • (604) 937-6758